The Commons Collaborative Economies Forum 2017 has been a collective, co-creation effort that has involved more than 300 people in the meeting, plus those that followed by streaming, uniting knowledge and actions for a commons-oriented collaborative economy. During the meeting we have identified new ways of articulating and growing the sector. We have discussed and explored possible alliances between the social economy and the business sectors linked to open knowledge. Resources have been shared in the areas of economic models, governance and technological infrastructure, co-designing new solutions to city challenges and identifying recommendations for public administrations. With Yochai Benkler (in the picture below), we have been able to analyze the centrality of the commons in the paradigm shift that is taking place, and he has helped to understand and value the relevance of Barcelona as a unique space for experimentation and commons activity in the world.
There were presentations, co-creation sessions, round tables, challenges and lightning talks, which achieved a great media impact with coverage in media such as La Vanguardia, El Periódico, Ara, Nació Digital and Vila Web, among others. Participation was plural, and diversified. Participants were from various places in Catalonia, but also from around the world (Italy, France, Ireland, Germany, the United States, Canada, Argentina, among others), with diverse profiles (entrepreneurs, cooperativists, designers, journalists, “commoners”, makers, researchers).
Open knowledge and documentation
The slides and videos of the activities that took place are available on the web.
Notes were taken collaboratively on the pads of La Teixidora. In each activity you will find a link to the corresponding open document (clicking on “notes”).
Commons Declaration 2017 – New ideas, proposals, and opportunities
During the sessions, we jointly identified 120 risks and 80 opportunities for the commons collaborative economy, at the same time that 90 ideas and proposals were articulated, processed and analyzed. All the material will be systematized to write the Declaration of this year, based on the proposals, challenges and opportunities. The text of this year’s declaration will be an instrument to share, and with which to defend, raise awareness and promote the commons collaborative economy, making it reach all places.